We write this post to remind you that the next ELFA Annual Meeting and General Assembly, hosted by the Faculty of Law of the University of Torino, will take place on the 11th and 12th of April 2019 in Torino, Italy.
This year, the general theme of the meeting shall be Unity and diversity in legal education in Europe. The Board is now working on the program of the meeting, which is expected to be published by the end of February. By now, we let you know that the working sessions will begin at 9.30 of the 11th of April and will close at 12 noon on the 12th of April. They will be held at the Campus Luigi Einaudi, Lungo Dora Siena 100, Torino. Before the event takes place, there will be a welcome reception and registration of participants on the 10th of April at 6 pm at Collegio Carlo Alberto, Piazza Arbarello 8, Torino.
Please, be aware that the registration period will be open from 1 February to 15 March 2019. In order to register, please use this registration form that must be sent to the email address elfatorino2019@gmail.com.
On the other hand, we encourage you to book your hotel in Torino early, as quickly as possible. You must take into account that during those days, Torino will host a number of parallel events, and a good number of hotels are already sold out. It may happen that you don’t find a convenient room if you delay booking for more than 15 days.
You may find a list of hotels that have been contacted in order to allow participants to book rooms for this event. Please take into account that these options are up in most cases until the end of January. Of course, you can book other hotels, or rooms, as you prefer, but in any case, be aware that the risk of running out of any choice is very serious unless you proceed in the next two weeks.
We are very much looking forward to meeting you all in Torino!